Friday, April 15, 2011

End of Week 7 Update

I think I need to take this time to update you all on what's been going on this week. I had a minor breakdown yesterday at the gym however it fueled my workout this morning.

Here's what happened:

Wednesday night were were instructed by our trainer to have our body fat percentages checked at the gym first thing in the morning. So when we arrived at 5:30AM, no one was there to do it for us, so we used our own calipers, and used the formula that the gym's persoanal trainers go by. There are so many differnt ways you can check your body fat you just have to pick one and be consistent. Well Joshua and I took turns measuring all the target points on each others bodies then Joshua did the calculations. Mine came out to 18% and Joshua's was 8%. I figured this was about right and I didn't fret to much, however, I "thought" I was less or maybe hoping I was less... We gave the results to our trainer and he asked us to have one of the trainers do it as well just for good measure. So Thursday morning we had a trainer do it, mine was 19% and Joshua was still 8 almost 9%. For some reason this sent me over the edge. Maybe it's because I had very little sleep the night before and was tired or maybe just cranky in general but when he said 19% I wanted to collapse in the floor and tell him to "DO IT AGAIN BECAUSE YOUR WRONG!!!" Before I even went in his office I had it in my head that I was less and it would play in my favor, but obviouly NOT THE CASE and I was pissed....

Well once we were fininshed with that we headed upstairs for cardio and had to tell our trainers wife what the results were. She is kind of like "the eyes" and liason for our trainer. She's a 6AM workout girl to so if we need help or tips throught our workout she is there for us. She also watches us closely so that we dont hurt ourselves or if we need a little "motivation" she gets us moving. She comepetes as well so she knows what all of this is like.

I dont know what it was, but when I saw her and told her what it was, I just broke down and started to cry..... I just kept thinking and saying how hard this all is and that I thought I was less than that. She and Joshua just patted my back and said to chill out becuase it is hard BUT Im doing great and we still have 6 more weeks. Alot can happen in 6 weeks. I see all the changes in my body and dont get me wrong I have come a lonnnnnggg way! 50 lbs later I'm still pushing myself and that aint no joke but damn... 16 weeks of dieting and working out starts to get to ya after a while and well, that's just what happen to me for a brief moment.

After I had my pity party and let Mama Z and Joshua soothe my ego, I got back on track, jumped on the treadmill, and got busy!!! I reminded myself that I choose to do this and at anytime I can quit, but that's not what I want and I wont be defeated because Ive been challenged a little. What's going to happen in a few weeks after doing cardio for 2 hours a day and having NO CARBS at all? What am I going to feel like then huh? Exactly! SUCK IT UP is what I was told to do and I did just that.

Yesterday I made a new playlist on my Rhaphsody app and looked at tons of figure girls which always get me focused again. Last night I got into bed early and this morning I was ready to "do work"! On our way out of the gym we ran into our trainer. He asked how I was feeling and told me to check my email. When I read his message I instatly felt better about my body fat (He has a way with Joshua and I when we start freaking out, he calmingly says to relax and tell us what's going on with our bodies and what were gonna do to fix it. It always works, lol). He said that overall I was not 19%. It was higher because I still have some fat on my abs and upper thighs and that I need to be at 15% for the contest. Totally do able with the right diet and new cardio plan he has for me. See, all that crying for nothing :-)

Tomorrow we will be 6 weeks out from our show date of May 28th. Ill post our pictures and stats. I know yall are dying to see and Ill deliever as promised ;-)

Here are a few of the new changes that i'll be doing:
- New workout and diet on Monday
- No carbs for the next few weeks. Im putting my body into ketosis to get rid of last bit of fat
- Cardio 2 hours a day EVERYDAY
- One gallon of water. (I already do this now)
- Continue my lifting but the focus will be on form and sculpting. I already have the muscle we just gotta move the fat out of the way to see it!
- Progression pictures every week. We need to document everything so that when we do our next contest we know where we were and have a comparison.

So overall things are moving along awesome. Life is good, I have a new cardio partner (Joshua, lol), I know where my bodyfat is and where it needs to be, and I have plan on to get to that point.

Here is my new playlist for cardio. You might find some songs on there you like to!
Tighten Up- The Black Keys
You Be Killin Em- Fabolous
Peacock- Katy Perry
Pretty Girls- Gucci Mane
On The Floor- J LO
Get Like Me- David Banner
E.T.- Katy Perry
Cryin' Like a Bia- Godsmack 
Ain't it Funny- J Lo
Pretty Girl Rock- Keri Hilson
Raining Men- Nicki Minaj
Freak Like Me- Adina Howard
The Big Bang- Rock Mafia
L.A. SOng- Beth Hart
I Stand Alone- Godsmack
Just Cant Get Enough- The Black Eyed Peas
Moment 4 Life- Nicki Minaj

See yall in the mornin'! Here's to finding your NorthStar....


  1. Oh, girl, we are in the same boat! Check out my post from Thursday! I am 5 weeks out as of tomorrow and cried through my entire workout on Wednesday with my trainer! We are on the right track! Keep pushing! You are so close! (WE are so close!)

  2. SO normal! I cried a lot in prep too =) You're working really hard and eating low carbs, it gets to you after awhile, and they understand. Don't forget it's okay to cry and yell and get it out of your system! You'll be SO fine in 6 weeks!

    ps- I love that song E.T.! Great playlist!
