Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Have ya'll missed me? Well if you haven't that's ok cause I've missed you guys. Please accept my sincere apology for being MIA for the past few days. I have been so caught up in "prep" that every spare min I think I have to blog all I really want to do is relax and then I get busy doing something other than what I really wanted to do. I guess I need to recap the weekend for guys and the past few days. Lot's have been going on. Let's start with Friday:

Well last week was really tough for me. The lack of carbs was really and I mean really, getting to me. I was in a funk all week. On Friday we were able to sleep in a few extra hour's because Joshua didn't have to go into to work. When we got to the gym I was already exhausted and we hadn't even started. I just felt run down and really starved. I mean I eat 6 meals a day but each meal only consist of a protein and a veggie. After a while your body literally starts begging you for carbs. The only thing that got me though the workout was knowing that when we finished I would be able to have that yummy protein banana shake again. However, before the shake was able to grace my lips, Joshua and I were at each others throat's (really just yelling at each other, lol. I'm dramatic, I know). I'm truly surprised this hasn't happened sooner, lol. I mean we're together 24-7. We love spending every moment that we can with each other, however when we are both depleted of carbs, exhausted, and moody that's like a recipe for disaster. We've kept it together for so long that we just cracked....

Saturdays Dinner: Talapia with White Rice and Salsa
What's funny is 2 mins later we were both fine and not even mad. We know that we have BOTH been very difficult to deal with and we can't take out frustration's on other people or each other because it's not fair. We choose to do this to ourselves. We both have good days and bad days but we always support each other no matter what. Friday was just inevitable...

Saturday was better. First thing that morning with breakfast we got to have oatmeal! Let me tell you, this was treat. Then at lunch we had a baked potato and then for dinner white rice.

 We were both so happy that we could hardly stand it! The influx of carbs was a God send. We really needed it and our bodies responded with a "Thank You"..

Sunday! MMM, Egg Whites, 2 Pancakes with Sugar Free Maple Syrup and Coffee

Egg Whites with Salsa and Waffles

How you like them bags and dark circles under my eyes? Hottie, lol...
Sunday was even better because with breakfast we had PANCAKES!! Joshua made his into waffles instead but then he couldn't eat them all, lol. I took a few snap shots. We were feeling pretty good at this point and were ready to tackle the day! We had an amazing workout. We both felt so strong. That afternoon I cleaned the house, Joshua and Taylor tackled the yard for a few hours, we napped, watched our fav TV programs and then Joshua posed for a few hours.

Before bed that night he wanted to show me what he had been working on and well, he totally shocked me. He looked great and I love his routine. He's going to do awesome at the show!!

Now on to Monday. At 9am we met with our trainer Matt. He wanted to see how we were looking, run thorough posing and give us instructions for "peak week". Joshua wasn't feeling to great and Matt said it was due to coming down from all the carbs we were allowed over the weekend. It's amazing how the body reacts when it doesn't get what it wants. This is where mental focus comes in and you really have to be in control of your body. During the meeting Matt let us know that we were going to do fine, especially seeing as how this is our first show. The rest of this week is mainly eating, drinking lots of water, slowing down on workouts, and resting. He said that by the time Saturday rolls around were going to be totally wiped out. I can see that being the case. At this point, I'm just keeping it together and staying busy so I don't even have to think about how I'm feeling right now.

I'm tired. Plain and simple.

On a fun note (not that all this prep isn't fun ;-)) we made almond butter for the first time! Joshua actually made it last night and it turned out awesome. Better than what you can buy in a store. Let's just say we will never be buying almond butter again!
Our Homemade Almond Butter!!!

I promise to keep you guys posted the rest of the week of what's going on with us since were so close to "D Day"! 5 days.... Can you believe it. I mean it has been 22 weeks of training, dieting, and staying mentally and physically focused. I have definitely pushed myself to my limits and yes it has all been worth it. I can promise you that.....

Well, I'm off to do a few things around the house, clean up the car and few other errands.

Here's to finding your NorthStar......


  1. I am so proud of you and Joshua. This has to be the hardest thing you have ever done... Even with the dark circles under your eyes you are still beautiful

  2. I am proud of you and Josh too. You have definitely shown everyone what can be done if you really try. We love you guys, you will do great!

  3. You tilapia and Rice dinner looks yum im going to try the salsa on my rice too!
