Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Challenging Tuesday's!

Hi Guys! I hope everyone is having a fabulous Tuesday morning. Mine has started out just grand. My love bug let me sleep in a little and served me a protein shake in bed two days in a row this week! Although this morning he said he woke up mad at me because he had a nightmare that I cheated on him! I hate those kinds of dreams! It makes you feel like sh$! the whole day. But he knows that would NEVER happen!!! I'm sure you've all had those kinds of dreams or weirder. Our workout partner said he had a dream he shot his son in the foot! Craziness lol. Maybe we've all been working out to hard or not hard enough? HMMM

Yesterday was chest and tri's and it was a great workout! Actually all of my workouts lately have been awesome. Although I have been slacking on my cardio :-(. On my new program Joshua has 3-4 hours of cardio listed but I probably did maybe an hour last week? I know bad. But what's even worse is that I didn't adjust my calories to make up for the calories I wasn't burning and well that's just a recipe for some dreaded WEIGHT GAIN! I did gain 2 lbs because of that. I'm sure the ice cream I had over the weekend had nothing to do with that though. Nope, no sir, nothing at all....

So because I've been a bad cardio girl, this morning I stepped it up and really pushed myself. I warmed up on the elliptical for 10 mins then went over to the treadmill and cranked it up! I had the mindset that I was going to whip that treadmill's a$$ however it whipped mine! Oh lawd, I only did a mile and it took me 10:35min to do it. Yall, I was huffing and puffing so bad... embarrassing. I then jumped on the bike and cranked that sucker up to for 15 solid mins. Then a cool down on the treadmill again. Geeezzz I just thought I was in shape. I'm not. That's ok though, because at least now I know where I am and where I want to be. I'll get there. Baby steps right?

I think that I'm going to start going back to spin class again. I really do love spinning. Well it's more of a love hate relationship. I hate the bike because it's so uncomfortable and hurts my bum however I love the class because Kelly our instructor really kills it! She makes me want to come back for more pain! I guess it's the burn in my thighs, the sweat poring off my forehead, and the "push harder everybody" that really get's me going. Maybe the love bug will join me this week? (wink, wink) Probably not though cause after about 5 mins of his hiney hurting he'll probably be over it lol!

So anyway that's how my past few days have been going. Training heavier, running harder (a mile counts), eating (cleaner this week for sure), and loving life. OH we also have something big in the work's but I'll let you all in on that as it develops. I hate that I keep teasing you all but Ya know, don't wanna spill the beans just yet ;-)

Here's to finding your NorthStar....

(PS: Yoga challenge= FAILED... I really don't think any of us were really into it and I probably should have thought it out more. See never start anything without a solid plan!)


  1. That graphic is hilarious! Glad to hear things are going well. Living fit feels so good. I don't know why more people don't try it! ;)

  2. Must have been something in the air, becasue my bf had the same dream last night! Ugh!! Basically you said everything that is going on with me right now. :) From cardio, spinning, to yoga. We will make it though!

  3. Love that cartoon! So funny! I'm not much of a spinner, but in terms of other cardio, I'd be the chick on the bike with the "uhhhh???" look on her face :) My bum can't handle spinning!
