Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I got some new book's...

Well I "borrowed" some books ;-) from the library that is. Yes I go to the library. They have FREE books! lol. I mean really, once you read the book you just spent $15.99 on what else will you do with it? Read it again? Maybe. Give it to a friend? Maybe. Use it for reference? Possibly. Put it on a shelf never to be read again? More than likely. I've learned over the past 4 years that the library is my best bet to not waste my money on books I'm only going to read once (I've wasted enough money on textbooks that are barley used) because I love to read!
Good Idea!

Over the past year most everything I have learned about losing weight and maintaining my weight has came from our own research. We would hear or see something about nutrition, lifting weights, cardio, whatever and want to know more. Naturally the first place we would look is the internet, of course. Like most people, we "Google It". Sometimes you get exactly what your looking for and sometimes all of the information is scattered all over the web on so many different sites you end up having to piece it all together yourself.

If your putting it all together yourself who knows if your getting it right or not, ya know?

With bodybuilding, so many people think they have the answer on how to get you in the best shape of your life! Eat more carbs, no! eat less, no! more CARDIO (boooo), no! less cardio (YAHHH!), lift heavy, no! more reps, less weight.. BAHHHH.. it goes on and on! It's really all trial and error. Everyone has a different body and we all respond to food and exercise differently. When we really want to know what the gospel is on training we look to the old school bodybuilders. Like Arnold. Now, we all know Arnold has some serious personal problems going on right now, and if I was Maria he'd be one broke bitch by the time I got done with him....  However, he gave the bodybuilding world more useful information than we know what to do with! That was my main purpose for going to the library... To find out what he knows! 
Did you know there was such a thing? 
Last night, when Joshua got home, straight to the book he went! LOL 
He read it for awhile and read some very interesting things to me that I didn't know about, but NEEDED to know! Such as why I should be drinking a gallon of water a day. I've been doing this for months now but really didn't know the science behind it. Here goes: 

"......without sufficient water intake you become dehydrated. Your body begins to retain water to protect itself and much of this water is store subcutaneously which smooths out muscular definition dramatically. Retained water becomes contaminated because your kidneys can't filter out contaminants properly when your dehydrated. The liver is then called upon to help the process, these waste products, which interferes with one of it's main functions, breaking down boy fat. So without sufficient water in your body you're likely to end up water logged, bloated and obese- which is disastrous for a bodybuilder working for maximum definition." -Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding

WOWZA! Drink your water Peep's!!!

I also picked up a few other books that I thought looked interesting...

Bodybuilding Anatomy, Yoga Anatomy, Stretching, Ian Smith: EAT (I was just interested to see if he had any useful info for people who want to learn to eat better. We'll see!).

 AND I got some reading for pleasure...
Sullivan's Island by Dorothea Benton Frank
It's really GOOD! I love Southern Fiction and this one is based in Charleston, SC

Do you guys still visit the library or is this a lost Art? I know my girl Tenecia is representing all Bodybuilding Librarians!!! She just did amazing in her latest contest! Go to her Blog to check out how funny and AMAZING she is... 

If you haven't been to your local library since you were in middle school, I highly suggest it..... Here's to finding  your NorthStar!


  1. We have a library 1/2 mile from us and I have never been there. I actually own a couple of the books that you have in those pictures. I love to read and take in everything I can (I also read "fun" books to unwind). We always end up spending hours in Barnes and Noble...but now I'm thinking I need to hit up that library. :D

  2. Honestly, I haven't been in a library in years! I enjoy owning books and filling my book shelves with all the books we have read. I'm hooked on my Nook now too. You are right, though, it would be a lot cheaper to just go to the library!

  3. Thanks for shoutin' out the library!!! :)


    P.S. You are too kind! I'm just happy I didn't completely suck at my last

  4. Ah I missed your posts! Still on vaycay but feeling so lost without my meals prepped and my 4 liters of water. It's so true! I feel soft and pudgy. I'll be making more trips to the library for sure.

  5. I LOVE the library! I just checked out a couple books this weekend! And I got a Color Nook for the sole reason that I can get electronic library books for it. Glad I found another bookworm! :)
