Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I need a cupcake.....

On Saturday that is!!!!

HOLA!!! Please forgive me for not posting yesterday, but let me tell you I was feelin' like a total grizzly bear all day! I was so grouchy I didn't even want to be around myself. Good thing Joshua was at work all day and didn't have to deal with my attitude... Do you guys have those days? As the the day went on it was getting worse! UHHH I hate that. I wanted to do a motivational Monday but it just wasn't happening, lol. Today however is much better! I'm feeling G-O-O-D ;-) Probably because I had a great sweaty spin class, then I came home, let AJ out (although he was almost run over because someone was on the phone), and then made myself this yum-o egg sandwich.

Breakfast really isn't my favorite meal (unless were having pancakes with fried eggs or biscuits, gravy and cheese grits! HOLLA) but this really hit the spot. 

The Weekend

This weekend was pretty fun if I do say so myself. Friday I don't really remember what we did besides grocery shopping......thinking...... OH YEA Now I remember. Before we went grocery shopping I decided that I needed to do a hair mask. My hair is looking down right dreadful. Split ends everywhere, many different lengths and very dull. My hair is usually so shiny and fairly soft but that is not the case lately. So I did a little research online and found a deep conditioning hair treatment that claimed to rid me of most of the hair issues I am experiencing. The recipe called for 2 whole eggs, 2 tbsp of Olive Oil, and 1 tbsp of mayo. I only had light mayo but I really don't think that mattered to much. I guess we could call it a.........
"Skinny Girl Protein Hair Mask"  

What you do is mix all the ingredients together. Then hang your dry head over the sink, because it can get messy, then with your hand scoop some of the mixture up and rub it in your hair from the top to bottom. Cover you whole head with the mixture. Once all your hair is coated then place a shower cap or a plastic bag around your hair and wait about hour. Rinse with shampoo and style as usual. I also used a teeny tiny bit of conditioner as well. You should also know that this mask stinks! UH I think it's the mayo that makes it smell like I don't know what. However it works! My hair is much softer and I don't have nearly as many fly away's. I figured if food heals the body on the inside surly it can heal the outside to ;-)

On Saturday we trained with Eric again. This time we focused on legs. It was another great workout and we learned a lot from him. We started out with calves and he showed us a new way to use the smith machine to do a calf workout. We also hit some quads and hamstrings. He saved the best for last and took us outside to do walking lunges in what felt like 100 degree weather! The sun was beating down on us but we managed to do 40 lunges down the parking lot with a slight incline and then 40 back at a slight decline. It felt great! Joshua was not feeling it though, lol. He doesnt like leg day at all but he pushes though them because he know's that's where he needs to improve the most. Like me and shoulders ;-( One day I'll have shoulders like this...
Angelica  Nebbia - NPC Team Universe 2011 - #1

I don't know who Angelica Nebbia is but she looks AWESOME! Women like this keep me motivated all the time! So that's why on Sunday when Joshua took me to the movies we stopped by the grocery store and bought sweet potato chips and sugar free chocolate. I wanted a "treat" while I watched Zookeeper (which is hilarious by the way) but I didn't want to wreck myself. I have a huge goal that I want more than ever so I have to keep my head on straight. I even resisted these cupcakes that Jessica at How Sweet It Is  made. 
These cupcakes were literally YELLING at me to make them... but I resisted... HOWEVER Saturday is my "cheat" meal day and you bet your pretty little selves i'll be making them. If you've been good all week and resisted temptation I highly suggest you "treat" yourself. How else are we going to stay sane???

What is your kind of go to "Treat" meals? Here's to finding your NorthStar! 


  1. Ill be eating cupcakes along with you post competition whooo!

  2. isn't she cute?? I want that bod!! LOL! i have been thinking about cupcakes too lately ;)

  3. Oh my word, isn't her suit amazing?! I love it!

  4. I have those days all the time. Okay, once a month at least. Best to tell the hubby and kids to stay away from me =) Yea, thanks for the cupcake reminder, those look awesome! I get her posts in my emails in the morning, while doing cardio. So I salivate! =)
